
Facebook Chat

Last week i found the Facebook new tool the Chat and for mee it was a good new...not that i will use it a lot... but In fact interesting...

I found this good article, that is exactly the same I think about it:

"Facebook chat went live last week and the jury is still out on how—or if—people are going to use it. Right now it seems to mostly be in the “Hey, is this thing on?” stage, where people are testing it out and seeing how it works.

Many people I’ve spoken with feel the same way about it that I do: it’s a useful tool, but we’re wary because our Facebook friend list is much broader than our IM list and we’re living in fear of those casual acquaintances you had to spend fifteen minutes to remember when they first friended you will be the ones popping up to chat with you on Facebook.

While that fear is likely unfounded, there is the very real issue of a shift in how we use Facebook. Until now, it was a solitary activity where your interactions with people—via messages, wall postings and the like– did not occur in real time. Adding a real time chat element changes how you use the site: no more clicking back and forth, on and off the site, if you are in the middle of a conversation. And suddenly you are very aware of which of your friends is spending all their time on Facebook. (there was always the option to check to see who else was online, but people rarely did, since there was no upside to it other than satisfaction of curiousity.)

The interface itself is fairly basic, though it does allow for emoticons and clickable links. Personally, I have not found much use for it—I have many other ways (IM, Twitter, Email, phone) of reaching the people I know on Facebook. But I’m curious as to how many of you view Facebook chat and if you’ve found yourselves using it. Because given the popularity and ubiquity of Facebook, it wouldn’t surprise me if it really caught on."

Filed under: State of the Industry, Websites We Love — by Toad at 9:17 am on Thursday, May 1, 2008

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