Agent Provocateur Launches Game For Window Peepers
Agent Provocateur, has a new game and a new adventure out so if you're into sexy lingerie, games that are called Peep in Paris and episodic video installments, head over to Agent Provocateur for some afternoon delight.
Agent Provocateur
Web sensorial campaign
This one is creating quite a buzz (pun intended), but you’ll need to have headphones to fully experience it.Come on, give it a try. And listen carefully.
It’s more important than you might think.
A witty mind hack and web sensorial campaign by Transport for London, aiming to reduce the number of cyclists that are hurt on London’s roads.
According to the campaign press release, researchers at Harvard University played this trick on some unsuspecting people and over 50 per cent failed to spot the change. This selective blindness is possibly the reason why motorists collide with cyclists.
Check also another video piece from Transport for London, that also plays on mind hacks.
Transformer Desk Bed
For those long, long nights comes a clever bed/desk combo that might be problematic if you fall through the bottom of the bed and onto your desk.
After the Casulo, this is another economy of space for those ones living in a little space..
( Imagine if Bernini sees will see all the Phytagores residence with just this)
Real Beauty
This one goes out for my Russian friends =)
Dover Revolution style...very clever and with asimple message...